Our Approach

We are building an ever-growing community of patients, researchers, medical associations and universities actively involved in large-scale Pan European studies.

Together, we are devising new therapeutic mechanisms to ease the pain and stop detoriation of the illnesses.

Our approach is currently the shortest route between medical researcher and patient.


Patients are at the core of what we do. They are actively involved in designing the future of their health care.

The scale of our patient community provides researchers with previously unavailable data of cross-cultural impact about the progression of the illness at its different stages.

Our patient-first attitude is accentuated by involving a significant number of medical associations. They also provide the physical space for us to:

  • Meet and listen to their members.
  • Offer them earlier and smarter diagnostics than exisiting screening technologies. 

Finally, the involvement of so many scientists and reputed universities who put their name to our research, encourages both:

  • A competitive critical thinking to discovery.
  • A devil’s-advocate attitude to safety and practicality of the new therapeutic mechanisms.